IFLA Midterm Meeting

of the IFLA Sections Environment, Sustainability and Libraries (ENSULIB), Library Theory and Research (LIBTHEORY), Preservation and Conservation (PRESCONS), School Libraries (SCHOOL), and SIGs Library History (LIBHIST) with Religions: Libraries and Dialogue (RELINDIAL) including IFLA Sections' and SIGs' Business Meetings

Vatican City, Rome and Frascati

22-24 March 2024

The IFLA Sections Environment, Sustainability and Libraries (ENSULIB), Library Theory and Research (LIBTHEORY), Preservation and Conservation (PRESCONS), School Libraries (SCHOOL), and SIGs Library History (LIBHIST) with Religions: Libraries and Dialogue (RELINDIAL) in collaboration with the Vatican Library, the Lasallian Library, and the Accademia Vivarium Novum invite to attend the 3-day (+1) IFLA Midterm Meeting in Rome.

The Midterm meeting is planned to be held in the Vatican City (Vatican Library, see the map) on Friday, March 22; in Generalate of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and its Lasallian Libraries, Museum and Archives on Saturday, March 23, and in Frascati, Rome (Accademia Vivarium Novum at Villa Falconieri) on Sunday, March 24. 

The 3-day (+1) Midterm Meeting Programme aims at providing its participants with a qualified professional development opportunity and library professional visits and networking, with the following objectives:

  1. The 1st day (Friday 22 March) will be primarily related to challenges for digital preservation. The program seeks to focus on research and current practices on sustainability and reuse of digital collections.

  2. The 2nd day (Saturday 23 March) will focus on innovative research methods and will also hold a session on getting published in journals. An additional objective is to focus on sharing experiences of education for research methods. Furthermore, a poster session on LIS research will be held by LIS Students. In the afternoon, a seminar focusing on innovative research and practice of school librarianship to implement the Agenda 2030 will be provided. Concurrent business meetings of the collaborating IFLA Sections and SIGs, open to those who may want to join, will be held in the afternoon.

  3. The 3rd day (Sunday 24 March) participants will explore the features, current and future projects of the Accademia Vivarium Novum between tradition and innovation, its Libraries and archives; a guided tour of the venue - Villa Falconieri (Frascati, Rome), built in 1556, is also part of the visit.

  4. The 4th day (Monday 25 March) is optional: some library visits will be arranged upon request (no fee, registration required for organizational purposes).An additional and optional PD programme - including library visits - can be arranged upon request by (and no later than) March 10, 2024, 9:00 to 17:00 (mail to: luisa.marquardt@aib.it). Some basic costs (1-day metro/bus card and lunch tickets) are implied: they are not included in the 3-day registration fee and therefore will be charged apart.

For the whole duration of the IFLA Midterm Meeting, the exhibition “Contemporary Stories: Collection of Artists' Books”, curated by Prof. Anna Cochetti and kindly made available by “Galleria Storie contemporanee” will be available in the Lasallian Library.

Registration fee: 150 € (students: 100 €) including registration fees, refreshments, coffee breaks and lunch on Friday 22, Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March.

Additional registration for organizational purposes: Monday 25 March (PD Library Visits)


Suggested hotels:

Info on accommodations (other than Casa La Salle or Aurelius Art Gallery Hotel) is available in the website of the Municipality of Rome (www.turismoroma.it) at URL: https://www.turismoroma.it/en/node/18616


Brewster Kahle

A passionate advocate for public Internet access and a successful entrepreneur, Brewster Kahle has spent his career intent on a singular focus: providing Universal Access to All Knowledge. He is the founder and Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive, one of the largest libraries in the world.

Lynn Silipigni Connaway

Dr. Connaway is the 2023-24 Follett Chair at Dominican University’s School of Information Studies. Lynn received the 2020 Distinguished Alumna Award of the Information School at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the 2019 ASIS&T Watson Davis Award for Service, and the 2016 ALISE Service Award. She also was awarded the Chair of Excellence position at the Departmento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and collaborated with the faculty on user-centered research.